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Capability Analysis Print E-mail
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This module computes the capability index, cp and the performance index, pp, based on data and user-specified limits. Additional values, like ARL are given as well. The module allows for one-sided specifications as well as for asymmetric (non-normal) distributions.

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Capability Analysis

Protocol Text Output: 
Capability and performance      
for normal distribution      
Task name : Sheet36    
Target value: 5    
Specification limits      
LSL 2    
USL 8    
Limit CP 1    
Performance indices      
Arithmetic average 4.477982955    
Standard deviation 0.787465729    
+/- 3sigma 2.115585768 6.840380141  
Z-score 2.115585768 6.840380141  
Index Value Lower limit Upper limit
Pp 1.269896534 0.911067555 1.626837908
Ppk 1.048927322 0.745807333 1.352047311
Ppm 1.05845054 0.77692402 1.338514378
Capability indices      
Arithmetic average 4.477982955    
Standard deviation 0.693145026    
+/- 3sigma 2.398547878 6.557418031  
Z-score 2.398547878 6.557418031  
Index Value Lower limit Upper limit
Cp 1.442699526 1.035042379 1.848212209
Cpk 1.191661611 0.847294136 1.536029087
Cpm 1.15243491 0.866849439 1.436572065
  Lower limit Upper limit  
Out of SL probability 0.00082539 3.86E-06  
Out of SL probability % 0.082539004 0.000386376  
Out of SL probability (PPM) 825.3900449 3.863762057  
Out of SL probability 0.000829254    
Out of SL probability % 0.082925381    
Out of SL probability PPM 829.253807    
ARL 1205.903418    
Cpk for asymetric data      
Sample size 24    
Corrected average 4.524256808    
Target value 5    
Limit CP 1    
Specification limits 2 8  
Out of SL probability 0.005225866 6.86E-10  
Out of SL probability % 0.522586584 6.86E-08  
Out of SL probability (PPM) 5225.865843 0.000685664  
Out of SL probability 0.005225867    
Out of SL probability % 0.522586653    
Out of SL probability PPM 5225.866528    
ARL 191.3558248    
Cpk 0.8535048    
Limits Cpk 0.606858192 1.100151407  
Graphical Output: 
Protocol Text Output:
Cpk for asymmetical data: 
Cpk for asymmetical data
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