Plotting |
Module graphs offers various tools for visualization of uni- and multivariate data. Settings and options in different types of graphs allow for modifications and customiztions of the graphs. In the following table is a brief graphical overview of the possible graphs. Details of each grapf type will be delt with in the following paragraphs.
Plotting - Pdf manual
Available plot types:
Examples of vaious plots:
Dynamic 3D-Point plot freely rotable with mouse
Dynamic 3D-Spline plot freely rotable with mouse
Dynamic 3D-Probability Density function freely rotable with mouse
Projection of 3D-Density with visible clusters
Cluster Analysis - Dendrogram
Five different metrics to find and visualize clusters:
Manhattan distance Eukleidian distance Squared Eukleidian distance Jaccard coefficient for continuous measures Dice-coefficient And a choice of clustering techniques: Single linkage Complete linkage Wards algorithm Average linkage Flexibile linkage
Unweighted pairs
Sample dendrogram: |